#!/usr/bin/env gnuplot #cairo does antialiasing of lines and text set term pngcairo font 'Sans,14' size 640,480 set title 'www.pixelbeat.org PageViews/day in 2011' #log scale shows relative changes better set logscale y set yrange ['500':'30000'] #parse dates on input set xdata time set timefmt '%d/%b/%Y' #explicitly set x axis range (must match input timefmt) set xrange ['1/Jan/2011':'31/Dec/2011'] #display month abbreviation for x labels set format x '%b' #setup the tics and labels set tics out #place month labels between tics set xtics offset graph 0.04,0.04 nomirror set mxtics 0 set ytics nomirror set tics font 'Sans,8' set lmargin 5.8 set rmargin 1.9 #gray grid lines set style line 2 lt 2 lc rgb '#E0E0E0' lw 1 set grid xtics ytics mytics ls 2 #green graph set style line 1 lt 2 lc rgb '#B4C856' lw 1 set style fill transparent solid 0.5 border plot '-' using 1:2 notitle with filledcurves x1 ls 1