As a developer, manipulating images is something I need to do
very often,
but surprisingly many developers are intimidated by graphical tools and defer this
quite simple task to "more artistic types". But the manipulations generally performed
are simple mathematical transformations, and so artistic ability is not required
(which is good thing as I have absolutely none).
I usually use the
GIMP to perform these functions.
Image resizing
This is the most common manipulation I do to images.
Digital cameras for example produce very high resolution images,
that are not appropriate to send by email or display on the web.
Firefox 2 |
Your browser |
Putting large images on web pages for example has 2 disadvantages.
The obvious one is slower downloads for visitors, and increased resource usage on their machines and your servers.
The second is that
most browsers scale images very badly and don't apply any interpolation techniques,
as can be seen here. The image on the left was resized in the GIMP with default settings,
whereas the others have
higher resolution and are being resized by the browser.
While the default interpolation algorithms in the GIMP work well, one can use more
sophisticated techniques to scale digital images.
One situation where the GIMP algorithms don't work well is when downsampling screenshots or more generally computer
generated images with detailed vector content prone to aliasing. Imagemagick has some great info on
image resizing issues and techniques, and after some
experimentation I determined that the catrom filter is best for shrinking screenshots et. al. which
I use like: convert -filter catrom -resize '600x>' orig.png smaller.png.
Note pngcrush is useful also as `convert` tends to not compress the png data well.
Cut and Paste
There is a lot you can do with cut and paste, so it's worth getting to know
the various selection tools available in the GIMP. For example I created the "tux stout" logo below
in a couple of minutes by cutting the head off the pint and pasting it onto the tux image.
The main technique here is that you can resize the pasted layer (the head of the pint) independently
of the main image, by selecting "Scale Layer" in the "Layer" menu.
Also ensure the images are in "RGB" mode so that there are no "jaggies"
introduced when resizing.
Image enhancement
Recently I needed to highlight some images for a
web site I was working on.
Highlighting the rather dull image as shown turned out to be quite
simple using the GIMP when one understands how layers are used and can be combined.
The steps involved were:
- create another transparent layer and call it "light"
- set layer mode to dodge
- select gradient tool
- normal mode
- radial shape
- white foreground, black background
- drag from top-center to middle
- set addition mode
- drag from bottom-center to middle
- Adjust the brightness of the light layer to taste
Further Information
Getting to know graphical tools is becoming an increasingly important skill for any developer,
and has the added advantage of both being very rewarding and quite simple, especially given the
many tutorials available.
There are lots of functions available in the GIMP worth exploring and they're fully
There is even a
maze solver included :)