set term pngcairo font 'Sans,14' size 1024,768 # Parse the time series output from JGC's perl script # and setup the x axis so there's a tic every 20 years set xdata time set timefmt "%Y.%m" set format x "%Y" set xrange ['1840.01':'2020.01'] set mxtics 0 set xtics "1840.01",631100000,"2020.01" # Use pm3d to map the values to a colour. # We use a narrow cbrange around white, to give more vivid colours set view map set pm3d explicit set cbrange [-3:3] set palette defined (-3 "#0000FF", 0 "#FFF0F0", 3 "#FF0000") unset colorbox set xzeroaxis set ylabel "°C difference from 1961-1990 average" set title "Global temperature trend" set output "global.png" # The last :2 specifies that the palette colour is determined by the y value splot "MetOffice08122009TrendGlobal.dat" using 1:2:2 notitle with lines palette set title "Northern hemisphere temperature trend" set output "north.png" splot "MetOffice08122009TrendNorth.dat" using 1:2:2 notitle with lines palette set title "Southern hemisphere temperature trend" set output "south.png" splot "MetOffice08122009TrendSouth.dat" using 1:2:2 notitle with lines palette